
In the pursuit of perfect Palinka III - külföldi cikk a Pálinka Mester pálinkafőzőről

2013. 05. 22., szerda


… but before the story continues … a warm welcome to folks from Germany, New Zealand and Switserland! Glad you came by to have a look! Now back on track …

Last week I drove up to Budapest to meet with Magyar László and Szabó Ferenc Ignác. Lászlo and Ignác do not only make Palinka, they make and sell their own stills. Stills especially made to distill Palinka with. Not traditional alambics, but modern designs, combining water jacketed boilers with a stainless steel column.


Kontur Bt. / Pálinka divízió
Székhely:   1164 Bp. Simongát u. 43.Telephely - felszámolás alatt: 1164 Bp. Vidámvásár u. 143.
Szabó Ferenc Ignác / ügyvezető
(Magyar László / alapító tulajdonos
Email: info@palinkafozes.com